芥子 第49期 49

芥子49期 - 白蓮花 / The White Lotus Flower (星熒)

白蓮花 / The White Lotus Flower



彎下時 可別沾上池中的污穢
池裡鴨兒 在盡情地戲水
我擔心 千萬別把那花瓣兒弄碎!

嗡嗡地嘮叨 鼓動著鑲了蜜糖的嘴
偽裝成 愛花惜卉的雅士
只為了 竊取一點冬日果腹的花蕊

我願見 一隻多彩的蝴蝶
伴隨綠葉 靜靜地為她守衛
我期待 花謝時 會留下豐碩的蓓蕾

那隻 幸運的彩蝶將是誰?
也許 我永遠猜不對!。。。。
望白蓮 我呆呆地遐想
想為她 描擬出彩蝶的模樣

The white lotus flower is just beautiful.
Her quiet surroundings are adorned with her appearance.
Her slim stem is whirling about in the wild wind.
When it is bending down, let it not touch the filth of the pond.
The ducks are playing hard in the water.
I worry; Ducks, be sure not to break the petals.

Several bees flatter the lotus all the time.
Humming endlessly, they vibrate,
their persuasive mouths inlaid with honey.
Pretending to be refined scholar flower lovers, they are
stealing pollen only to fill their stomachs in the wintertime.

I wish to see a colorful butterfly
Spreading out its beautiful wings in the daytime,
Flying low and circling above the flower
In the evening, it will stay and hide underneath the flower stem
And quietly guard it with green leaves as its companions.
I look forward to the coming of the rich buds
when the flower has withered away.

Who will be that lucky butterfly?
Maybe I shall never guess right!
Staring blankly at the white lotus flower, I fall into a reverie
That I’d like to depict just for her,
The right appearance of the colorful butterfly ---



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